Joseph SchwSDWIA Bridgearz, CFA 612.355.4365

Stephen Dygos, CFP® 612.355.4364

Benjamin Wheeler, CFP® 612.355.4363

Paul Wilson 612.355.4366


Macro Overview

Macro risks are still prevalent throughout the world as the effects of Brexit and terrorism continue to be ongoing concerns. U.S. markets have been resilient to the uncertainties, as major U.S. stock indices reached new highs in July.

Some believe that the outcome of the EU vote, as well as the sentiment in Britain shortly before the vote to leave the EU, has many similarities to the U.S. presidential race. Key election issues and how they may affect the economy include: NAFTA, immigration, terrorism, and banking regulations such as Glass-Steagall and Dodd-Frank.

The presidential campaign has brought about the suggestion of reforming existing regulations affecting the banking and financial services industry. Some candidates argue for the repeal of Dodd-Frank, regulations put in place during the current administration to regulate banking activity. The problem has been that the costs of the new regulations have inhibited smaller banks and credit unions. Some candidates lobbied to bring back legislation known as Glass-Steagall, put in place during the depression in order to prevent banks from combining financial services, investment banking, and loans simultaneously.

Economic growth, measured as GDP, was reported by the U.S. Department of Commerce to have increased at an annual rate of 1.2 % in the second quarter of 2016, below analysts expectations of 2.5%. The dismal GDP report was accompanied by a drop in oil prices of over 15% in July and a record low for the 10-year Treasury yield hitting 1.37%.

Upcoming economic data for the U.S. may influence the Federal Reserve to act on raising rates rather than waiting any longer. Analysts believe that a rate increase by the Fed before the end of 2016 based on U.S. economic data may be a mistake. Rates in Europe and Japan remain in negative territory due to the uncertainty of growth within the EU and the expected derogatory effects of Brexit on global business transactions. Fed members decided to leave interest rates unchanged during their July meeting, stating that it was prudent to wait for more data following the consequences of Britain leaving the EU.

Banks in Italy have become the latest of concerns in Europe as souring loans are being recognized throughout the Italian banking sector. As the third largest economy in the EU, Italy’s banking sector is prone to a crisis that could have dire consequences for the country and neighboring trading partners.

Sources: EuroStat, Dept. of Commerce, Federal Reserve, ECB

U.S. financial markets were incredibly resilient following the days after the British EU vote

Stagflation On The Horizon – Monetary Policy

Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan said that the U.S. may be heading toward stagflation, a slow-growth economy coupled with rising inflationary pressures. Greenspan also said that there seems to be pockets of inflation even though low productivity is prevalent in the economy.

Stagflation is an economic phenomenon when there is slow or stagnant economic growth at the same time as rising inflationary pressures. The 70’s were a period when rapidly rising fuel prices coupled with dismal economic growth, led to stagflation. This same scenario occurred in the first two years of the 80’s, until both monetary and fiscal policies were enacted that halted destructive inflationary pressures and curtailed taxes to boost economic activity.

Inflation is measured by the CPI (Consumer Price Index) and economic growth is gauged by GDP (Gross Domestic Product), which are both released by the Department of Commerce each month. As a barometer of general prices throughout the country as well as current economic activity, both indices help identify any possible stagflation scenarios.

Sources: Depart of Commerce, BEA


CPI-GDP 1970-2016


Equity Update – Domestic Stock Markets

Major U.S. stock indices reached new highs in July as earnings reported for companies in a host of industries were better than expected, leading to upward pricing pressures.

The S&P 500 Index staged a powerful rally following the June 27 referendum vote in Britain, sending the index to new highs. Since the run, equity markets have been idle, as though it was taking a break. Analysts view such a “break” optimistically, since the health and sentiment of the market might very well be positive. Also of note is the lack of volume equity markets have seen this summer, with volume off about 15% compared to July 2015. Again, analysts see this dynamic optimistically since pending activity may be sitting idle until later in the year.

The Institute for Supply Management export data improved this past month, which has been a positive indicator for U.S. equity markets leading to reacceleration of earnings growth rates.

Small-cap stocks have outperformed larger-cap stocks since the beginning of the year, as earnings have exceeded expectations and low interest rates have made debt payments affordable. As of the end of July, 64% of the companies that have reported earnings had beaten estimates, a positive note heading into the second half of the year.

Sources: S&P, Bloomberg


June of 2014 crude oil prices traded at $107 per barrel, now there near $40 as of the end of July

OPEC Pumps Up Oil Production – Oil Industry Update

As oil prices rebounded throughout May and June, drillers restarted idle rigs in hopes of catching higher prices as they evolved. Unfortunately, the upswing in production and drilling was accompanied by growing supplies and less consumption, thus resulting in a supply glut.

As a group, OPEOPEC ProductionC represents the world’s largest producer of oil, with Saudi Arabia being the single largest producer at over 10 million barrels per day, roughly a third of total OPEC production.

The dramatic decline in prices in July alone are a testament to the commodity’s volatility, subject to supply and demand dynamics worldwide. Yet even with such an efficient market, as claimed by Saudi Arabia, producers tend to get it wrong as to what the actual demand might be. Some oil analysts believe that OPEC leaders, specifically Saudi Arabia, may have increased production knowing that additional demand was not yet there.

Crude oil prices traded as high as $107 per barrel as recently as June 2014, and now pulling back to near $40 as of the end of July.  Sources: OPEC Monthly Production Report, OPEC Secretariat

Yields Head Lower In July – Global Fixed Income Review

10 Year Tsy YieldThe yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury fell to a record low of 1.318 percent in early July, sending bond prices higher throughout the fixed income markets. Bonds have continued their rally since the beginning of the year as the Fed has held off on raising rates, while central banks in Japan and Europe have maintained unprecedented low rates.

Repercussions from Brexit channeled money towards the perceived safety of German government bonds in July, as Germany became the first country in the EU to sell 10-year government bonds with a negative yield at auction. A negative yield means that investors are willing to essentially pay Germany in exchange for holding funds in German bonds. Germany sold €4.8 billion ($5.3 billion) of 10-year notes at an auction, with a yield of -0.05 %.

As of this past month there has been a continuous decline in long-term interest rates for 35 years, spanning from 8.3% in 1991 to 1.36% in July for the 10-year U.S. Treasury. Some bond analysts estimate that any continued decline in yields has become much less probable.

With the Fed and its monetary stimulus efforts at capacity, many economists believe that this leaves ample room for fiscal stimulus in the form of lower tax rates. The presidential campaign has brought about the topic of lowering taxes and perhaps at a timely juncture that would help stimulate economic growth where the Fed may not be able to any longer.  Sources: Federal Reserve, Bloomberg

Bags of gold dust acted as money in Mansa Musa kingdom

Richest Person Ever In the World – Historical Note

Over the centuries, industrial leaders evolved who were able to generate tremendous wealth and in some instances popularity. Yet even with the onset of technology over recent decades, it has been difficult for any modern day billionaire to become as rich as Mansa Musa, the 14th century emperor of the Mali Empire. The value of Mansa Musa’s fortune calculated in today’s value is estimated to have been in excess of $400 billion.
Billionaire Rankings
Mansa Musa was the African ruler of an empire that once covered Western Africa. In the 14th century, Mali produced about half of the world’s gold from three highly productive mining regions. Bags of gold dust functioned as money in the kingdom, while nuggets were stored in the treasury as the property of the emperor. Wealth in the modern age is primarily stored in stocks, bonds, metals, and real estate.

Accumulation of wealth has always been a point of contention, as inherited wealth was more prevalent centuries ago; however, in the 19th & 20th centuries, the free market allowed entrepreneurs born to no wealth the ability to build and accumulate wealth. The free market and capital structure of the United States helped foster the establishment and wealth of the Industrial Titans of the turn of the century. Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Ford, and J.P. Morgan all developed enormous industries and wealth that became a backbone for the country’s economic and industrial infrastructure.

The G20 Meets In China – International Policy

Leaders and members of the G20 met in China in July to discuss a host of international topics and issues. A central point of discussion during the meeting were the possible repercussions from the British vote to leave the EU and what effects it would have on international trade and employment.

The G20 is an international forum for governments and central bank governors from 20 major economies. It was founded in 1999 with the aim of studying, reviewing, and promoting high-level discussion of policy issues pertaining to the promotion of international financial stability. Ahead of the meeting, the International Monetary Fund downgraded its forecasts for global growth in 2016 with repercussions from the Brexit stating that “Brexit marks the materialization of an important downside risk to global growth.”

The theme of this meeting was “Innovation and Inclusive Growth: Decent Work, Enhanced Employability and Adequate Job Opportunities.” Leaders discussed the challenges to the labor markets from globalization, technological progress and demographic change, and agreed on a set of policy recommendations for employment generation and workforce skills enhancement.

As always, each country has the responsibility of executing specific laws and rules in order to follow through on the agreements made during the G20 summit, which has historically been a challenge for most countries.  Sources:, IMF